From Fossil Fuels to Green Futures: Oxford and EBC Financial Group on What’s Holding Us Back

EBC Financial Group and Oxford University’s Department of Economics dissect the barriers to climate progress, exploring carbon taxes, subsidy reforms, and the role of finance in driving sustainable economic growth globally OXFORD, United Kingdom, Dec. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In a world increasingly shaped by the dual crises of climate change and economic instability, […]

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2ONE Labs reçoit de la FDA un deuxième avis favorable concernant sa demande PMTA pour d’autres produits de sachets de nicotine de marque 2ONE®

LAKE TAHOE, Nevada, 05 déc. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 2ONE Labs Inc. a le plaisir d’annoncer que sa deuxième demande préalable d’autorisation de mise sur le marché pour un produit du tabac (Premarket Tobacco Product Application, ou PMTA) pour d’autres types de sachets de nicotine 2ONE® aromatisés soumise auprès de la Food and Drug Administration (FDA) […]

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Presidential Climate Commission to Convene 16th Quarterly Meeting to Discuss Critical Climate Issues.

Johannesburg: The Presidential Climate Commission (PCC) is set to hold its 16th Quarterly Commission meeting, where it will review feedback from the recent COP29 conference. The meeting aims to address critical topics such as the leadership transition within the PCC and discussions on global and national climate priorities. According to South African Government News Agency, […]

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President Ramaphosa Signs Deeds Registries Amendment Bill Into Law.

Pretoria: President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed the Deeds Registries Amendment Bill into law, introducing reforms aimed at streamlining and modernising South Africa’s deeds registration system. The law seeks to enhance the deeds registration processes and procedures and will create uniformity in the deeds registry practice and procedures. According to South African Government News Agency, the […]

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President Ramaphosa Embarks on State Visit to Algeria.

Pretoria: President Cyril Ramaphosa will, from today, undertake a State Visit to the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria. The State Visit – conducted at the invitation of Algerian President, Abdelmadjid Tebboune – is expected to conclude on Saturday, with President Ramaphosa leading a delegation comprising of Ministers, senior government officials and business leaders. According to […]

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President Signs National Road Traffic Amendment Bill to Enhance Road Safety.

Pretoria: President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed the National Road Traffic Amendment Bill into law, introducing sweeping reforms aimed at improving road safety and ensuring the integrity of South Africa’s traffic management systems. This includes the fitness of drivers and vehicles, the transportation of certain dangerous goods, the general speed limit, and the integrity of the […]

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