
Government Lauds Significant Progress in National and Provincial Audit Outcomes.

Pretoria: Government has welcomed the latest national and provincial audit outcomes from the Auditor-General (AG) of South Africa which reveal a remarkable leap in the number of clean audits across national and provincial government departments.

According to South African Government News Agency, these results demonstrate progress in strengthening financial and performance management in these two spheres of government. The Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) emphasized that the notable improvements highlight the commitment of government entities to accountability, transparency, and the efficient use of public resources.

“Clean audits reflect adherence to sound governance principles, which are essential for fostering trust and delivering quality services to citizens,” the GCIS said. While there has been significant progress, the Government acknowledges the concerns raised by the AG regarding instances of fruitless and wasteful expenditure. These findings serve as a critical reminder of the
ongoing need to strengthen oversight, accountability, and compliance mechanisms to prevent the recurrence of such issues.

The government reiterated its commitment to building a capable and developmental state that prioritizes people and focuses on improved implementation capability. This includes initiatives to enhance financial controls, upskill personnel, and cultivate a culture of ethical leadership across all spheres of government.

“Stakeholders, including public servants and communities, are urged to continue working together towards sustaining the gains that have been made and to address the challenges that remain. Together, we can ensure that public resources are used effectively and equitably to meet the needs of all citizens,” the GCIS said.